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2024-06-19 08:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Miss Su's parting manner dampened Fang Hung - chien's high spirits.

苏小姐临别时的态度,冷缩了方鸿 渐 的高兴.

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By thus besmirching Su Wen - wan , the two made up.

这样作践着苏文 纨, 他们俩言归于好.

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Miss Su declared heatedly, " You just make light of everything.

苏小姐发恨道: “ 还说风凉话呢!

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Miss Su said to her ,'such airs you put on!


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Miss Su said, " I don't like your cutting remarks.

苏小姐道: “ 我顶不爱听你那种刻薄话.

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At the same time Miss Su said lightheartedly, " Aren't you ashamed?

苏小姐同时活泼地说: “ 不羞!

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Her expression gradually changing , Miss Su said, " What for?

苏小姐脸色渐转道: “ 那又何必 呢 !

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Miss Su's face livid , she said, " Don't be ridiculous!

苏小姐铁青着脸道: “ 别胡说!

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Would Miss Su spread malicious tales and ruin everything for me?


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Hung - chien limply implored Miss Su not to see him home.

鸿 渐 有气无力地恳请苏小姐别送自己.

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The whole situation with Miss Su made him feel uneasy.


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Miss Su's condemnation of Fang Hung - chien for being shameless was actually unjust.

苏小姐骂方鸿 渐 无耻,实在是冤枉.

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Hung - chien laughed at her for only knowing about a Miss Su.

鸿 渐 笑她只知道个苏小姐.

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If you'd married Miss Su, wouldn't that prestigious post be yours? "

你娶了苏小姐, 这体面差使不就是你的? ”

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Miss Su said , " Hung - chien, you studied philosophy, didn't you? "

苏小姐道: “ 鸿 渐, 你学过哲学, 是不是? ”

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